Jaqui Sterry celebrates 24 years working alongside Bill Shaddock.
Jaqui Sterry, Sr. VP & Branch Manager at Capital Title’s Willow Bend office in Plano, celebrates 24 years with the company and Bill Shaddock. What makes her anniversary extra special is her unique work relationship with Capital Title’s Owner/CEO, Bill Shaddock. Jaqui is not only one of Capital Title’s employees who has worked for the company the longest, but she also started what would be a long-term career alongside Bill Shaddock himself.
We caught up with Jaqui, who answered some questions about her personal experience at Capital Title, and also shared personal insight into her long-term work relationship with Bill Shaddock, and how she has grown to consider him a very close friend and colleague.
- How did your career in the title industry begin? Did you always want to pursue a career in this field?
Well, I certainly did not set out to make it a career – it just kind of evolved. I was working for a law firm about 36 years ago and one of the attorneys had a fee office for Hexter-Fair Title Company connected as part of his law practice. I used to prepare all the legal documents for the title office in addition to work for the attorneys. So, when I wanted to work closer to home, I accepted a job with another Hexter-Fair branch office. This is initially where I learned more about the title insurance business. Being the kind of person who gets bored easily, I realized I had found my niche because you never get bored in this business. - What is your first memory of working with Bill Shaddock?
We did a lot of land development deals back then, which would involve closings at an attorneys office (usually in downtown Dallas). So, my first memory was sitting with Bill around a conference table for hours with a bunch of attorneys while they hashed things out; then going to a typewriter to finalize the closing statement. One of my favorite closings was with the late Mr Norman Brinker – a wonderful and sweet man who I will always remember fondly. Bill and I had fun whispering about all those attorneys and why it took so many to get one deal closed. - Did you imagine yourself working for Capital Title (or any company) for this long?
No, but I really never thought too much about it. If things are working, why change them – the grass is never as green on the other side of the fence as people make it seem. Plus, I learned a long time ago that if you are unhappy in your job, it may just be your attitude that needs to change; if you are an unhappy person, changing jobs, marriages, etc. is not going to alter that. Being happy is about you – it is your attitude and how you approach things and, how you feel about yourself. At one point I did think about what else I might like to do, but when I thought about the title business, I realized just how many aspects are things I truly enjoy and that they utilize my abilities. I realized that it is a perfect fit for me. - What did Capital Title look like 24 years ago?
Well, that is a funny question. When I started with Bill Shaddock, it was just him and me – it was pretty simple back then. - How has the company changed in the past 24 years?
Boy have things changed. We are a huge company now with offices all across the state of Texas. It is truly incredible what has been accomplished. - How has the company stayed the same in the past 24 years?
Bill is what makes it the same. Even though it has grown by leaps and bounds, he is still a personable, down-to-earth, caring and wonderful man to work with. - What has kept you loyal as an employee of Capital Title after all these years?
It is definitely because of Bill Shaddock. I consider him a great friend and I feel privileged to be able to work with him. He always has a sense of humor and I love that about him. - You have worked alongside Bill Shaddock, our Owner/CEO, practically since the beginning. Can you share with us anything regarding your personal perspective on how he has grown over the past 24 years?
He has always been an entrepreneur, but he has definitely honed his skills. I think most importantly he has become so good at hiring great people to work along side him so he can delegate responsibilities. In addition to Bill, our corporate office has some of the best people in the business available to us whenever we need and, we have some amazing marketing people. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s true – it takes a team to be successful. - How have you grown or developed professionally at Capital Title in the last 24 years?
Oh my, I have changed in so many ways – and thank goodness for that. When you are young you have so much energy which of course wanes as you age. But it is a good trade-off because as you mature you become so much more patient with everyone, including yourself. You stop focusing on you and think more about others and what you can do for them. Personal customer service and being available to your customers whenever they need you is so important. I have so many customers that I think of as friends, not just business acquaintances. - What is a moment most memorable to you from the past 24 years at Capital Title?
There are quite a few, but I will never forget when my dad passed away not long after I began working for Bill. I was standing next to my brother at the funeral and he asked who the guy was walking up, since he did not recognize him. Well, it was Bill Shaddock. I was so shocked and touched that he was there for me – it still brings tears to my eyes when I think of it. - What are your hopes for the future of Capital Title over the NEXT 24 years?
Well, that would put me at 83 so I hope I can retire before then! But, as long as Bill is here, I can assure you that Capital Title will continue to achieve success. - What is your funniest moment from the past 24 years at Capital Title?
There are several of those as well. But, the first one was when I interviewed with Bill for the job. I remember it as if was yesterday. He was using one of the upstairs bedrooms of a Shaddock Homes model home as his office. Well, the air conditioning was not working that day and I had on a red silk dress – so you can see where this is going, right? We had discussed everything I felt we needed to, and sweat had begun trickling down my back. So, I was ready to get the heck out of there! But, Bill continued to go into detail about something (you know how attorneys can be), and I really wanted the job! I was so ready to get out there, and I remember thinking, “Ok, dude you can stop now! I need to go!”
Learn more about Jaqui Sterry at www.ctotclone.wpengine.com/jaquisterry.
View more about Capital Title of Texas and our services at www.ctotclone.wpengine.com.

PICTURED: Jaqui Sterry accepts 24 red roses in celebration of her 24 Year Anniversary at the Capital Title Willow Bend office.