As reflected in the recent D-CEO Magazine, below are a few quotes that caught the eye of our Owner & CEO, Bill Shaddock. Similar to Capital Title’s own ‘Company Commitments’, these quotes further communicate the importance of strong company leadership and core values.
“Leadership means that you’ve got to walk the talk. I can tell others, ‘Hey, it would be great for you to volunteer.’ But if I’m not willing to do it first, then why should they?” – Tom Falk, chairman and CEO of Kimberly-Clark Corp., and 2013 chairman of United Way of Metropolitan Dallas.
“When you have a strong, healthy culture, it attracts people who are drawn to the values and the beliefs of the organization. The culture sort of acts as a magnet, but it also acts as a repellant. There’s an immune system for people who don’t fit well.” – John Mackey, CEO and co-founder, Whole Foods, and the author of the new book, Conscious Capitalism.